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5. febrúar, 2025 12:49

Analysis of Educational Needs

Adult learners

The masters programme for Adult Learning will be holding a course on the analysis of educational needs in the fall of 2011.

This is a very actual course for people who design adult learning interventions, courses, conferences e.t.c. The course is the result of a three year project initiated by a project group under NVL (Nordisk Vuxnas Lärande) which is financed by the Nordic Counsel of Ministers.

One of the first steps in designing learning activities for adults is to analyse and assess learning needs potential learners might have. Recently the task of analysing and assessing learning needs has become a task adult educators have to take on in cooperation with their or their organisations clients. Companies which contact so called „learning providers“ more and more expect their partners to enter into cooperation with them in order to tailor-make learning interventions aimed at raising the competencies of their staff. This course is designed to help adult educators meet these new needs they meet on the market.

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