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23. febrúar, 2025 02:16

Designing engaging learning events

Designing learning events or courses, for adults or university students can be challenging for anyone who approaches the task sincerely and creatively.
However there are a number of models, ideas and guidelines teachers and adult educators can take inspiration from. Gilly Salmon´s 5-step model and her idea of eTivities are examples which have inspired many an instructional designer, the Business Model Canvas and Design Thinking are others which can open new avenues.
In this workshop/presentation Hróbjartur
Árnason will share a number of considerations and thoughts based on his many year practice of designing face-to-face, blended and distance courses, both at universities and for adult educational settings. Hróbjartur will be addressing questions on why and how to get participants „on-board“, how and why to spur activity and helpfulness in the group and further to guide participants to self-directed learning. He will also exemplify how models based in other fields, such as business and the arts can spur creativity and help people who organize learning for others to find new ideas and decide which paths to tread.
Hróbjartur Árnason, Assistant Professor for
Adult & Continuing Education at the
University of Iceland

Content from a presentation on the EADL Conference in Copenhagen Mai 2017:

Design Thinking

Business Model Canvas

Photos from the session

Conference program

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