DISTANS webinar: Communities of Practice
One of the most interesting and effective ways to organize change and professional development among educators is to support communities of practice in which peers are introduced to cutting edge practice, mirror their own practice in new ideas and have meaningful discussions about challenges that they face in their jobs.
On on September 16th the NVL DISTANS network invites you to a webinar where we will interview Tryggvi Thayer who has led a group of university teachers and practitioners in a very successful project to support Icelandic teachers use of ICT in their teaching.

Tryggvi Thayer, one of the project managers for the initiative, will share with us the ideas behind the approach and how and why it succeeded.
By participating in this webinar you will learn about practical ways to support your peers to develop their practice together by combining the best aspects of online and face-to-face communication and be inspired to try them out in your own workplace or community.
Please reserve the time: Friday 16th September at 13:00 CET (Helsinki 14:00, Copenhagen 13:00, Torshavn 12:00, Reykjavík 11:00, Nuuk 9:00)
Please Register here. We will send you the link to the event a few days before.
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