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31. mars, 2025 23:18

Webinars – for interactive and collaborative learning

Gestapóstur frá Alastair Creelman sem mun leiða umræður um fjarfundi sem gagnlegar leiðir til að stuðla að samvinnu í fullorðinsfræðslunni og leiða verkstæði um sama efni á ráðstefnunni:Þ „Kennum þeim að læra“ 10. des

How can we make webinars more interactive, even with large numbers of participation?

Webinars are becoming an increasingly popular arena for the dissemination of information, primarily in the form of online presentations to large distributed audiences. However current practice shows a tendency towards largely one-way communication, especially when the number of participants is over thirty. Just as one-way presentations or lectures are becoming increasingly questioned as an environment for effective learning in schools, especially in the light of the present interest in the flipped classroom model, there is great potential in “flipping the webinar” and creating an interactive collaborative arena even for large audiences. This has a great potential for adult education and informal learning.

Webinars erase the barriers of geography and make it easy for anyone to join a virtual meeting from anywhere. The main requirements are a stable connection to the Internet and a fast computer. No special hardware is needed besides a headset and a webcam. Web conference systems offer great flexibility but they demand a certain level of awareness from the user; adjusting microphones, webcams and becoming familiar with the system.

The Nordplus project Webinar – for interactive and collaborative learning aims to explore how to create online events which foster learning, interaction, collaboration and networking, especially in and through larger groups. The project team is working with a number of external partners helping them to organize and run effective and interactive webinars for a wide range of target groups.

Read more about the project at

Gestapóstur frá Alastair Creelman sem mun leiða umræður um fjarfundi sem gagnlegar leiðir til að stuðla að samvinnu í fullorðinsfræðslunni og leiða verkstæði um sama efni á ráðstefnunni: "Kennum þeim að læra" 10. des

1 response to Webinars – for interactive and collaborative learning

  1. Mjög áhugavert
    Held að við getum nýtt veffundi í samvinnunámi fyrir starfandi fullorðna í anda community of practice og professional learning

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